August 7, 2020BY Blog
The Atlantic Immigration Pilot program helps employers in Atlantic Canada hire foreign skilled workers who wish to immigrate to Canada, as well as international students who wish to stay after they’ve graduated. This is an employer driven program, where employers who haven’t been able to fill in jobs locally are able to hire qualified Candidates who are living abroad or living in Canada temporarily. While there are 3 different categories to this program, each sub program has their own employer and candidate requirements.
The 3 different Sub Programs and their Basic Requirements for Employers:
1.Atlantic International Graduate Program:
The job must:
- last at least 1 year
- be a management, professional, technical/skilled, or intermediate job (requires some type high school education, job training, diploma, apprenticeship training, or degree)
- be full-time
- be non-seasonal
2. Atlantic High-Skilled Program Job requirements
The job must:
- last at least 1 year
- be a management, professional, technical/skilled, or intermediate job (requires some type specific job training, diploma, apprenticeship training, or degree)
- be full-time
- be non-seasonal
3.Atlantic Intermediate- Skilled Program
The job must:
- Be permanent
- be a management, professional, technical/skilled, or intermediate job (requires some type high school education, job training, diploma, apprenticeship training, or degree)
- be full-time
- be non-seasonal
The 3 different Sub Programs and their Basic Requirements for Candidates:
1.Atlantic International Graduate Program
Candidates must:
- have lived in an Atlantic province for at least 16 months in the 2 years before getting your degree, diploma or credential
- meet specific education requirements
- take a language test to show you can communicate in English or French
- show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family when you get to Canada
2. Atlantic High-Skilled Program
Candidates must:
3.Atlantic Intermediate- Skilled Program
Candidates must:
- In the last 3 years, have worked at least 1,560 hours
- Any period of self employment is not included when calculating the period of qualifying work Experience.
- Must have 1 of the following:
- a Canadian secondary (high school) or post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree from a recognized institution
- a foreign degree, diploma or certificate, equal to a Canadian credential (You’ll need an educational credential assessment (ECA) report)
- take a language test approved by the government
- provide a proof of funds
- meet all of the job requirements set by the employer
What are the basic requirements For an Employer to Utilize this Program?
When an employer wishes to take part in this program before any job offer can be made, the employer must be designated by the provincial government where the candidate will be working. Being designated means that the employer is qualified to offer jobs under the AIPP.
In order to be designated by the province the employer’s organization must be:
- be in good standing (under the province in question)
- have been operating in the Atlantic region for at least 2 years
- work with a settlement service provider organization to help your candidates get settlement services
Once these requirements are met, the employer can then apply to become designated (at no cost).
Why you should consult a RCIC – regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant:
With all the different programs available and their policies and requirements, it can be overwhelming when trying to decide what to apply for and how to apply. That’s where we come in. By consulting with a RCIC at Dage Immigration not only will we simplify the process for you, but we will also assist you step by step; ensuring a successful application. Our trained and qualified consultants are legally authorized representatives who are not only familiar with Canadian immigration policies, but are also in good standing with the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council, so you can feel at ease knowing that you are in trustworthy hands.
Whether you’re an employer looking to hire foreign workers, or whether you’re a foreigner looking for work in Canada, we will assist you in navigating the AIP Program and its policies. To obtain a personalized immigration strategy where all your concerns and paperwork are taken care of feel free to contact us at contact@dageimmigrqation.ca or visit us at www.dageimmigration.ca.
Atlantic Immigration Pilot – Canada.ca. Canada.ca. (2020). Retrieved 29 July 2020, from https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/atlantic-immigration-pilot.html.